Love this one. You're doing such great work! I contacted you quite a while ago to see if you could use a Portuguese Podengo or a Andalusian Podengo in place of the Pharoah Hound and the Ibizan Hound. They are very similar breeds and I have some pictures both (they're my friends). Just let me know if you'd like to see some photos. You can contact me through my blog Tchao-wow! Ruca
Love this one. You're doing such great work! I contacted you quite a while ago to see if you could use a Portuguese Podengo or a Andalusian Podengo in place of the Pharoah Hound and the Ibizan Hound. They are very similar breeds and I have some pictures both (they're my friends). Just let me know if you'd like to see some photos. You can contact me through my blog